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Crime across ​London transport network at a record low

(People's Daily Online)    09:04, June 01, 2015

LONDON May 29 (People's Daily Online) —— Crime on London's transport network is at a record low rate in 2014/15 compared to last year with 2,502 fewer offences. On the London Underground and Docklands Light Railway (DLR) network, crime has fallen by a further 12.4 per cent.

The figures, published today, come as the Mayor, London Underground (LU) and British Transport Police (BTP) set out their plans for robust policing of Night Tube services, which will include more police numbers out on patrol across the LU network than are currently seen at any time after 22:00 on a Friday night.

When Night Tube services are introduced in September this year, LU is committed to staffing stations at all times, backed by a greatly increased police presence, to ensure the transport network remains a low crime environment.

These officers will be patrolling the 144 stations that will be open throughout the night each weekend when Night Tube services begin, increasing the level of presence at each station compared to existing operating hours. More BTP Police Community Support Officers will also be out on the network to assist passengers, and support police officers, as required.

London Overground saw a reduction in crime of 4.9 per cent and on Tramlink services there was a 22.7 per cent reduction in crime.

Despite the low levels of crime across London's transport network as a whole, increases were recorded in certain crime types on some parts of the network. Reported sexual offences have risen by 34.7 per cent across the network which can be attributed to TfL, BTP and the Metropolitan Police Services' Project Guardian initiative, which has raised public awareness of unwanted sexual behaviour and encourages victims to report these historically underreported crimes.

Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, said: "I applaud the success of British Transport Police, Metropolitan Police and TfL in bringing crime down to record lows. We will be relentless in driving it down even further and will be making an enhanced police presence available for the Night Tube so that the network remains a safe, low crime environment whatever the time of day." 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Yao Chun,Gao Yinan)

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