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Commentary: Celebrating WWII victory, the world needs new type of international relations to ensure peace

(Xinhua)    13:40, May 09, 2015

BEIJING, May 9 -- The high-profile Victory Day parade, which marks the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War, Russia's term for WWII, will be staged in Moscow on Saturday.

The parade will not only present a perfect occasion for Russia and China to jointly commemorate a significant historic event, but also help define their ties to set a model for a new type of international relations.

For the first time ever, Chinese servicemen have been invited to take part in Russia's parade, which not only shows the strength and determination of both armies to safeguard peace, but also demonstrates the will of the two countries to remember WWII, as well as safeguard international justice.

Seventy years ago, China and Russia made great sacrifices in defeating the Fascist and militarist invaders, decisively contributing to the victory in the World Anti-Fascist War.

Seventy years later, China and Russia have the capability and responsibility to safeguard the WWII victory and promote building a new type of international relations with win-win and cooperation at its core.

Drawing lessons from WWII, the international community, especially major powers, should learn how to avoid war in reforming the world, and learn how to combine their interests with those of others and expand the convergence of common interests.

However, in today's world, factors that may cause instability and uncertainty have markedly increased: regional turbulence and conflicts crop up from time to time, hot-spot issues keep emerging, and hegemonism and power politics prevail.

Some countries even attempt to deny, distort or tamper with WWII history, making it easier for militarism and Neofascism to rear their ugly heads.

This year, China and Russia will jointly hold a series of celebrations within bilateral or multilateral frameworks to remember history and martyrs, enhance cooperation in defeating evil, and strengthen their ties while building on previous successes.

Featuring mutual benefit and not targeting any third party, the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination has become a model of peaceful coexistence.

The two countries aspire to pursue win-win cooperation, constantly deepening bilateral political mutual trust and effectively carrying out coordination in international affairs. Their aspiration contributes to maintaining world peace and development.

Seventy years ago, China, Russia and other peace-loving countries joined hands to secure a significant victory for mankind. Compared with that time, conditions today are more favorable than ever to achieve peace and development.

As Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a signed article carried by the Russian Gazette, "peace not war, cooperation not confrontation, and win-win not zero-sum are what drive peace, progress and development of human society."

Thus, it is time for the whole world to devote efforts to build a new type of international relations and adopt win-win cooperation as a basic policy orientation in dealing with international affairs. Only this will ensure that the tragic mistakes of history won't be repeated.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Bianji)

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