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Xi Jinping most distinguished guest for Russia

By Ma Fei  (People's Daily Online)    12:16, May 09, 2015

“Chinese President Xi Jinping is going to Moscow to attend the ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow. He is the most distinguished guest for us,” said Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov recently.

Xi has met with Russian President Vladimir Putin 10 times since he assumed the office of Chinese presidency in March 2013, which testifies to their personal friendship and mutual trust.

Following are the highlights of their 10 meetings:


Occasion: Xi’s state visit to Russia

Time: March 22, 2013

Place: Moscow, Russia

Xi said that after assuming China’s presidency, Russia was the first foreign country for him to visit and Putin is the first foreign head for him to meet, which testifies to the high level and distinctiveness of China-Russia relations.

Describing the visit as one of historic significance, Putin said he is confident that the trip would bear rich fruits and give a strong boost to the development of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Russia and China.

Xi visited Russia's defense ministry during the state visit, which was proposed by Putin. Xi was the first Chinese head of state to make the tour.


Occasion: the fifth BRICS Summit

Time: March 27, 2013

Place: Durban, South Africa

Both Xi and Putin attended the fifth BRICS Summit held in South Africa. The leaders of five major emerging economies, including Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, talked together to promote their partnership for development, integration and industrialization.


Occasion: G20 summit

Time: September 5, 2013

Place: St. Petersburg, Russia

In Putin's hometown, Petersburg, Xi was the first foreign head Putin met with. In this manner, Putin testified to the distinctiveness of China-Russia relations again.

Xi said he was happy to see that both countries had made great efforts to implement more than 50 cooperation projects in 16 fields since his last meeting with Putin, and he was expecting further exchange of views with Putin on issues of common concern.

For his part, Putin also called for regular exchanges between the two leaders as well as between officials from both sides at all levels.


Occasion: Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit

Time: September 13, 2013

Place: Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Xi and his Russian counterpart, Putin, both attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit held in Bishkek. Xi met with some heads of state, including Putin.

Addressing the SCO summit, Xi said SCO members should carry forward the "Shanghai Spirit," characterized by mutual trust, mutual benefits, equality, consultation, respect for cultural diversity and pursuit of common development.


Occasion: APEC summit

Time: October 7, 2013

Place: Bali, Indonesia

It was the fifth meeting between the presidents of the two countries since the beginning of this year, which, according to the Chinese president, showed the distinctiveness of the bilateral ties.

The Chinese leader hailed 2013 as a fruitful year for China-Russia relations, noting that a host of accomplishments have been achieved in such areas as practical cooperation, people-to-people and cultural exchanges, as well as in handling international affairs.

Putin, for his part, said Russia-China relations enjoy sound momentum with frequent leadership visits, ever growing trade cooperation, as well as cultural and inter-military exchanges.

During the APEC summit, Putin had his 61st birthday and Xi sent him a birthday cake.


Occasion: 22nd Winter Olympic Games

Time: February 6, 2014

Place: Sochi, Russia

Calling China and Russia good neighbors, good partners and good friends, Xi said he came to Russia to offer his congratulations in person as is customary for the Chinese people to do upon their neighbors' joyous occasions. He also noted that hosting the Olympics showed Russia was on its way to prosperity under Putin’s leadership.

For his part, Putin thanked the Chinese president for attending the opening ceremony. Noting that the Spring Festival is a time for the Chinese people to visit relatives and friends, Putin said Xi's trip to Russia was a reunion with a good friend.

During the visit, Xi said in a an exclusive interview with Russia Television that he was "very satisfied" with the fruitful development of China-Russia relations.


Occasion: Fourth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA).

Time: May 20, 2014

Place: Shanghai, China

Putin paid a state visit to China ahead of the fourth summit of CICA. While meeting with Putin, Xi urged efforts from both countries to raise their trade volume to $100 billion by 2015.

The two leaders signed a joint statement aimed at expanding cooperation in all fields and coordinating diplomatic efforts to cement the all-round China-Russia strategic partnership of cooperation after their talks


Occasion: Sixth BRICS summit

Time: July 14, 2014

Place: Fortaleza, Brazil

Xi met with Putin in Fortaleza ahead of their joint attendance at the sixth summit of BRICS countries.

Xi said during his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, China is "true in word and resolute in deed" on China-Russia cooperation. Xi said China and Russia should continue to intensify political support of each other, and improve the depth and scope of cooperation.

Putin said that the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is currently enjoying a sound momentum. He urged an early start to the negotiations on the Russia-China west line gas supply project, and pledged to jointly safeguard cyber security.


Occasion: Ahead of the 14th summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

Time: September 11, 2014

Place: Dushanbe, Tajikistan

The two leaders agreed that under the current situation, SCO members should strengthen unity, mutual trust and cooperation, and promote the simultaneous advancement of security and economy.

Also, the two leaders maintained that SCO countries should firmly crack down on the "three evil forces," namely terrorism, separatism and extremism, and vigorously enhance practical cooperation in various fields, so as to make the SCO a reliable guarantee of the stability and development of its members.


Occasion: APEC summit

Time: November 9, 2014

Place: Beijing, China

This is the tenth time for Xi has held talks with or met with Putin since Xi assumed the Chinese presidency in March 2013.

Xi and Putin vowed to enhance energy cooperation during their meeting.

The two countries have seen broader and closer feasible cooperation in new situations, according to the two leaders.

They agreed to push forward the construction of the east route gas pipeline as scheduled, launch the west route at an early date, negotiate major oil projects in an earnest manner, and discuss new nuclear power and hydropower cooperation projects.

During the summit, Putin gave Xi a YotaPhone-2, which is Russia’s first self-developed smart phone. The screensaver of the phone was set to photos of Russia, China and the 2014 APEC meeting.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Bianji)

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