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China's largest freshwater lake expands by half in 4 days

(Xinhua)    08:52, April 07, 2015
Poyang Lake. (File Photo)

NANCHANG, April 6 -- Heavy rainfall in east China has expanded the country's largest freshwater lake by more than half in the four days ending Monday, according to authorities.

Thunderstorm and heavy rainfall in parts of east China's Jiangxi Province has led water level of Poyang Lake to rise 1.6 meter, or 15 percent to 12.57 meter since Thursday, while the lake's surface area expanded more than half to 1,660 sq km, the provincial bureau of hydrology said.

The swollen lake will benefit restoration of plantation and fishing resources and boost the lake's shipping capacity, according to the bureau.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Huang Jin,Yao Chun)

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