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Chinese army strengthens corruption clean-up in staff housing

(Xinhua)    09:51, March 18, 2015

BEIJING, March 17-- The army must guarantee the welfare and interests of officers and soldiers while cleaning up corruption in staff housing projects, said Central Military Commission vice chairman Fan Changlong on Tuesday.

At a meeting on malpractice in staff housing, Fan urged the army to come up with a better approach as soon as possible. While protecting officers' rights, Fan said, "those who have gained advantage in staff housing should be dealt with, and those who have broken the law should be punished."

A way of dealing with those who have bought more affordable housing than they were permitted or who have illegally sold military housing to outsiders should be drawn up, said Fan.

The People's Liberation Army began an operation against malpractice and corruption in staff housing in January after several officers in charge of housing projects were identified by the country's sweeping anti-corruption drive.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Huang Jin)

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