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Yemeni president meets Chinese ambassador on ties

(Xinhua)    17:16, March 16, 2015

SANAA, March 16 -- Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi met with Chinese Ambassador Tian Qi on Monday in Yemen's southern port city of Aden, during which they exchanged views on bilateral relations and the situation in the Arab country.

In their first public meeting after Hadi resumed presidential duties in Aden in late February, Hadi briefed Tian on the current situation in Yemen and praised China's just position and constructive role.

Hadi spoke highly of relations between Yemen and China, thanking China for its assistance and expressing the willingness to expand bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields.

During the meeting, Tian conveyed to Hadi the greetings of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

China respects Yemen's sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity, as well as the development paths chosen by the Yemeni people, Tian said.

China strongly supports Yemen's political reconciliation process and economic reconstruction, and hopes that all factions in Yemen would act in the best interests of the nation and people, and solve differences through dialogue and consultation under the mediation of the United Nations based on resolutions of the U.N. Security Council, Gulf Initiatives, the outcomes of the national dialogue conference and the Peace and National Partnership Agreement, Tian said.

He noted that China and Yemen enjoy profound traditional friendship, sound and steady development of bilateral relations, and fruitful cooperation in various fields.

China highly values relations with Yemen, and stands ready to work with Yemen to promote the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives in accordance with the principles of broad consultations, joint contribution and shared benefits, in order to achieve common development and win-win cooperation and bring benefits to the two nations and two peoples, the Chinese ambassador said.

Tian also expressed the expectation that Yemen will take practical measures to guarantee the security of Chinese personnel and institutions in the Arab country.

Hadi has resumed presidential duties in Aden since late last month when he fled a three-week house arrest by the Shiite Houthi group in the capital Sanaa.

On Feb. 6, the Houthi group announced the formation of a presidential council and national council to replace the presidency and parliament. However, Yemen's political factions rejected its unilateral move.

Under the mediation of U.N. envoy Jamal Benomar, Yemen's political factions and the Houthi group have been holding talks in Sanaa to resolve the political crisis.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Kong Defang,Bianji)

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