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Top legislator stresses implementation of "four comprehensives"

(Xinhua)    20:17, March 05, 2015

BEIJING, March 5  -- China's top legislator Zhang Dejiangon Thursday called for enhanced efforts to implement the "four comprehensives" strategic layout in order to realize economic and social development targets.

Speaking with lawmakers from east China's Zhejiang Province in a panel discussion on a government work report delivered by Premier Li Keqiang, Zhang said the "four comprehensives" offered both theoretical and practical guidance for realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The "four comprehensives" refers to a political concept initiated by President Xi Jinping, which comprises comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, deepening reform, advancing the rule of law and strictly governing the Communist Party of China.

Zhang said efforts must be made to give priority to sustained social and economic development, while letting the people feel the benefits of the country's growth.

Meanwhile, the authority of China's Constitution must be safeguarded and social fairness and justice maintained, he said, adding that political disciplines must also be strictly enforced, so that the Communist Party of China could remain at the core of China's socialist course with Chinese characteristics.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Zhang Yuan,Bianji)

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