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Private info. sold for cheap on the internet

(CNTV)    10:46, February 09, 2015

Everyone has experienced unwanted marketing calls or texts on their phones.

According to an online survey, about 90% of some 2,400 people polled had experienced some effect of their personal information being leaked.

Top on the list as the worst offenses were anonymous messages, phone calls and spam, or unwanted advertising messages.

A Xinhua report says that it only takes half a yuan for an entire set of a person's credit card data through tools like QQ or WeChat. The data we're talking about here include the name, phone number, address, work place, opening bank of the credit card, nearly all the important information needed that makes someone a victim of fraud or harassment.

But, that's not the worst of it. Research has shown that medical records, online shopping records and even hotel check-in records are also available to sell on the internet, at a very cheap price.

The government is aware of the problem and is trying to fix it. An offence reporting network and hotline have been opened for people...and the government is asking internet giants like Tencent and Alibaba to share their responsibility to safeguard people's private information. 

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Yao Xinyu,Yao Chun)

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