Thu,Dec 18,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

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China extends condolences, assistance for Pakistan school attack victims

(Xinhua)    16:06, December 18, 2014
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ISLAMABAD, Dec. 18 -- China on Wednesday expressed heartfelt condolences and provided with assistance for the victims of Tuesday's terrorist attack at a army-run public school in the Pakistan's northwestern provincial capital of Peshawar, which left 141 killed and 133 others injured.

Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Sun Weidong on Wednesday extended the letters of condolences to Pakistan's Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Tariq Fatemi, from Chinese President Xi Jinping for Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain, from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and from Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi for Sartaj Aziz, Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs.

Sun also handed over the donation cheque to Fatemi for the families of deceased and wounded at the foreign office in Islamabad.

On the occasion, Ambassador Sun said "Chinese people feel shocked and really saddened to hear such bad news and strongly condemn such a terrorist attack, and our sympathies go to the victims, their families and loved ones and also to the injured people."

"China is standing beside Pakistan at this difficult time and we also continuously support Pakistani government and people for their efforts against terrorism and for peace and stability of the country," Sun added.

Appreciating the support from the Chinese people and leadership, Fatemi said "these condolences messages mean a lot to us and grief of people of Pakistan. Chinese support will fortify the resolve of the people of Pakistan to root out terrorism from the soil of this country."

Ambassador Sun, staff members of China Embassy in Pakistan, representative of Chinese companies and institutions in Pakistan also arranged a mourning ceremony on Wednesday evening in Islamabad for the victims of bloody attack in Peshawar.

The participants of the mourning ceremony observed silence for one minute, lit up candles, placed flowers and donated cash for the victims.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Liang Jun,Zhang Qian)
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