Thu,Dec 18,2014
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Nepalese, Chinese writers agree to promote each other's literature

(Xinhua)    19:21, December 18, 2014
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KATHMANDU, Dec. 18-- Writers from Nepal and China have reached an understanding here to translate and promote each other' s literary works in the future.

At an event held here Thursday, a delegation of the Chinese Writers Association (CWA) agreed in principal on a proposal put forward by the Nepal Academy (NA) to translate at least one volume of representative literary works produced in each other's country.

The objective of this undertaking is to understand and promote each other's literary traditions and works, according to Ganga Prasad Uprety, chancellor of the NA.

Uprety, on behalf of the NA, also proposed that they would translate and publish an anthology of fictional narratives produced by Chinese writers. In return, the CWA will translate and publish a collection of poems penned by Nepalese poets.

Wang Liping, head of the delegation, agreed in principle upon Uprety's proposal. "I will forward it (the proposal) to the CWA's central committee," said Wang.

The NA and the CWA also agreed in principle to organize a grand literary festival either in a Nepalese or a Chinese city.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Ma Xiaochun,Bianji)
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