Tue,Dec 16,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

China joins hands with ROK in study of 'comfort women' issue

(Xinhua)    08:47, December 16, 2014
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CHANGCHUN, Dec. 15 -- A provincial-level archive signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with a foundation from South Korea to work together on the study of "comfort women" during Japanese imperialism in World War II.

China's Jilin Provincial Archives (JPA) and its counterpart Northeast Asian History Foundation have agreed to jointly hold seminars and conduct exchange of researchers to "find the truth of history." "The comfort women issue is human rights abuse," said the MOU.

The signing of the MOU followed Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Republic of Korea this July, during which Xi and South Korean President Park Geun-hye agreed to share resources and cooperate on the study of comfort women during that time.

At the signing ceremony, the Chinese side gave 25 copies of archives concerning the "comfort women" issue to the ROK side while the ROK side gave some oral materials and reference books back.

During World War II, thousands of east Asian women were forced to become sex slaves of the Japanese army. The exact number of comfort women are still being debated and researched.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Du Mingming,Zhang Qian)
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