Tue,Dec 2,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

'Fox Hunt': 149 suspects surrender before deadline

(CRI Online)    09:49, December 02, 2014
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The Chinese government says 149 suspects have surrendered to authorities ahead of the December 1st deadline for people suspected of committing economic crimes to give up and receive lighter punishments.

The temporary partial amnesty is part of the government's anti-corruption drive to repatriate individuals who have fled abroad, code named "Fox Hunt."

Liu Dong with the Ministry of Public Security says those who came forward suffered a lot outside the country.

"According to some of the suspects who surrendered, they were forced to live in hiding and were often targeted by local criminals. Their life outside China was difficult."

Operation "Fox Hunt" has seen 329 suspected economic criminals arrested since being launched in July.

(Editor:Yuan Can、Liang Jun)
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