Mon,Dec 1,2014

Editor's Pick

Palestinian woman stabs Israeli in West Bank, shot by soldiers

(Xinhua)    20:54, December 01, 2014
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JERUSALEM, Dec. 1-- A Palestinian woman stabbed an Israeli civilian with a knife in the West Bank on Monday morning and was shot and seriously wounded by security forces, Israeli media and the military reported.

Earlier media reports said the woman stabbed an Israeli soldier and was shot and killed.

The incident took place near a central junction in Gush Eztion, a settlement south of Jerusalem, used daily by thousands of commuters. The suspected assailant emerged from a vehicle before launching the attack.

The victim sustained light injuries after being stabbed in the shoulder, and was treated by paramedics.

Troops from a nearby Israeli military post rushed to the scene and shot the attacker, which Palestinian media identified as Amal Takata, in her 20s.

The attacker was evacuated in severe but stable condition to a hospital in Jerusalem. A search yielded a second knife that she was carrying, Israel's Ynet News said.

The Israeli military would not immediately confirm the details, saying only that security forces "overpowered" the suspected attacker and evacuated her for medical treatment. Forces cordoned off the area and were searching for the vehicle that dropped off the assailant at the junction, according to Ynet.

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(Editor:Wang Ao、Gao Yinan)
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