Wed,Nov 19,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

China urges solution in Iranian nuke talks

(Xinhua)    18:38, November 19, 2014
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BEIJING, Nov. 19 -- A Foreign Ministry spokesman on Wednesday called on parties involved in Iran's nuclear talks to seek a package of solutions for key issues that hinder a comprehensive deal within a reasonable timeframe.

It is of the utmost importance for all parties to adhere to consensus, close the rift, and resolve the key issues impeding a comprehensive deal to halt Tehran's nuclear programs, said spokesman Hong Lei at a regular press conference.

Negotiators from Iran and P5+1 group (Permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) are making a last effort to bridge the gaps over some key issues in Vienna which will probably continue until the Nov. 24 deadline.

Disagreements still remain on some key issues, which include defining the size and scope of Iran's nuclear program, particularly the number of centrifuges Iran will operate and sanction relief.

Noting that the current differences in the negotiations are fundamentally political ones, Hong called on parties involved to seize the historical opportunity, show political will and make a political decision.

China will work with the other sides to play a constructive role in the negotiations and push for the completion of a mutually beneficial and win-win comprehensive deal as scheduled, he said.

Iran and the P5+1 group reached an interim deal last November to halt Tehran's nuclear programs in exchange for limited easing of sanctions.

After failing to narrow down gaps on core issues during six months of negotiations, Iran and the P5+1 group agreed in July to extend the talks till Nov. 24.

(Editor:Du Mingming、Bianji)
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