Sun,Oct 5,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

White paper: XPCC plays special role in fighting terrorist crimes

(Xinhua)    10:43, October 05, 2014
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BEIJING, Oct. 5 -- The Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), a highly organized paramilitary force, has played a special role in safeguarding Xinjiang's social stability and in cracking down on violent terrorist crimes, a Chinese government white paper said Sunday.

"Xinjiang has a long border, and safeguarding it is the responsibility the state has entrusted to the XPCC," said the white paper on the history and development of the XPCC issued by the State Council Information Office.

Since the 1980s the threat of the "three forces" -- separatists, religious extremists and terrorists -- to Xinjiang's social stability has grown, it said.

To confront this threat, divisions, regiments, companies, enterprises, and public institutions under the XPCC have established emergency militia battalions, companies and platoons that enable it to respond rapidly to outbursts of violent terrorist activities, according to the white paper.

The XPCC has played crucial roles in fighting terrorism and maintaining stability, especially in the April 5 riot in Barin Township, Akto County of 1990 and the Feb. 5 Yining incident of 1997, it said.

Familiar with the situation and located close to these sites, the XPCC militias struck swiftly and joined hands with armed police and residents of various ethnic groups in cracking down on violent terrorist crimes, thus maintaining social stability.

In rapid response to the July 5 Urumqi riot of 2009, the XPCC sent militias to patrol the city and guard key districts from possible attacks, the white paper said.

"At present, the XPCC is focusing its efforts on forging a top militia force in China, and building a system of regular rotation training and standby duty, which combines production, training, duty performance, and emergency response," it said.

(Editor:Kong Defang、Bianji)
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