Sun,Oct 5,2014
English>>China Society

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White paper: XPCC's urbanization rate reaches 62.3 pct

(Xinhua)    10:41, October 05, 2014
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BEIJING, Oct. 5 -- With vigorous efforts to promote urbanization, the urbanization rate of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC) has reached 62.3 percent, a Chinese government white paper said Sunday.

The white paper on the history and development of the XPCC was issued by the State Council Information Office.

Under the unified leadership and planning of the central government and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the XPCC promotes urbanization under the principle of "divisions supporting the construction of cities" and "regiments supporting the construction of towns," the white paper said.

Up to now, the XPCC has built seven county-level cities of Alar, Tiemenguan, Tumushuke, Shuanghe, Wujiaqu, Shihezi and Beitun, and five administrative towns of Jinyinchuan, Caohu, Wutong, Caijiahu and Beiquan.

The XPCC has thus formed an urban complex with its own characteristics that complement the function of local cities and towns, the white paper said.

Its urban infrastructure has markedly improved, public service facilities have been steadily completed, and urban planning, construction, management and service levels significantly enhanced, according to the white paper.

This urban complex has gradually become a regional economic and cultural center, and a hub of population, capital, industry, human resource, culture, education, and medical and health resource, thus boosting Xinjiang's urbanization process, it said.

(Editor:Kong Defang、Bianji)
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