Fri,Aug 29,2014
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Vice premier speaks with Chinese, CEEC local leaders for enhancing partnership

(Xinhua)    07:20, August 29, 2014
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China is ready to open up a new era of China-CEEC cooperation, Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli said here Thursday evening.

Zhang made the remarks at the banquet reception given by Czech President Milos Zeman to delegates attending the second local leaders meeting between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC).

Zhang said during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Europe, China and Europe reached consensus on developing partnership in the four areas of peace, growth, reform and civilization, which sets the direction of and provides great room for the expansion of cooperation between China and the 16 Central and Eastern European countries, also known as the “16 plus 1 cooperation."

Zhang said in the four areas, the partnership of peace consists a prerequisite for the “16 plus 1 cooperation” that emphasizes trust. He said the two sides should earnestly take care of each other’s major concern and contribute to enhancing strategic trust between China and Europe.

Zhang said the partnership of growth consists the basis of the “16 plus 1 cooperation” that requires pragmatism.

He said the relevant countries should advance pragmatic cooperation in the areas of trade, inter-connectivity, local governments and culture to a new level in a bid to add new growth spots to China-Europe cooperation.

Zhang said the partnership of reform serves as a driving force for the “16 plus 1 cooperation” that needs innovation. He urged the relevant countries to innovate the model and expand the area of cooperation so as to add new content to China-Europe relations.

Zhang said the partnership of civilization consists the foundation of the “16 plus 1 cooperation.” He said the relevant countries should further expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges in order to push for exchanges, mutual learning, harmony and coexistence between different civilizations.

Zhang said in last November Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and CEEC leaders jointly decided the goals and key areas of deepening cooperation at their meeting in Bucharest, Romania.

He said the two sides should proceed in line with the guidance of the four major partnership proposed by President Xi and earnestly implement the results of the Bucharest meeting by jointly opening up a new era of China-CEEC cooperation.

Zeman said at the banquet that the Czech Republic will use the platform of China-CEEC local leaders meeting to advance cooperation with China in all fields.

Some 1,000 officials and business persons from China and the CEEC attended the meeting.

(Editor:Wu Yanping、Yao Chun)
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