Thu,Jul 31,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

Fiji thanks China for support

(Xinhua)    14:51, July 31, 2014
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SUVA, July 31 -- The new Navua Hospital opened on Thursday, marking another milestone in Fiji's relationship with China, said Prime Minister Rear Admiral (ret) Voreqe Bainimarama.

Bainimarama said the new hospital project, located some 40 km from Suva, was made possible with a contribution of 11 million Fiji dollars (5.9 million U.S. dollars) from the Chinese government.

Bainimarama said two weeks ago he was in Taveuni to launch work on the 15-million-Fiji dollar (8 million U.S. dollars) Somosomo Hydroelectric Power Plant, which is also funded by the Chinese government.

"China has always been a friend of Fiji but in recent years has shown itself to be a great friend one willing to stand by our side in challenging times, be supportive, and respect our sovereign right to choose our own path," Bainimarama said.

He said this was an opportune time to reflect on the contribution made to health care in Fiji over the years by a succession of international partners.

The Fijian prime minister said even advanced countries faced problems regarding quality medical care.

"So it comes as no surprise that in Fiji we face an even bigger challenge to provide the staff, equipment and facilities necessary to meet the growing demand for health services, of tangible and forward looking investments in human and capital resources," he said.

"We have created 696 new jobs for doctors in the Ministry of Health and 1,510 new positions for nurses. We've also increased the number of medical professionals being trained in Fiji and overseas," he said.

The Cabinet has just approved another 553 positions for ancillary workers in the system cleaners, hospital orderlies, Bainimarama said.

(Editor:Kong Defang、Gao Yinan)

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