Tue,Jun 17,2014

Editor's Pick

Moscow urges Kiev to secure Russian diplomatic missions

(Xinhua)    08:43, June 17, 2014
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Moscow on Monday urged Kiev to take all necessary measures to ensure security for its diplomatic missions in Ukraine.

"The situation around Russian missions in Ukraine has deteriorated dramatically lately. On June 14, 2014, the building and property of the Embassy in Kiev were seriously damaged as a result of unlawful actions which got no proper reaction from Ukrainian law enforcement agencies," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The Russian consulate generals in Ukraine's southern city of Odessa and eastern city of Kharkov were also threatened by " provocative actions" on Monday, it added.

"The Russian side calls on the Ukrainian side to strictly abide by the provisions of the 1961 Vienna Convention and other international documents to protect diplomatic mission," the statement said, adding that the Ukrainian authorities "bear full responsibility for that."

It was not the first time that Moscow urged Kiev for sufficient safeguard of its diplomatic missions.

On Saturday, some 100 Ukrainian protesters gathered outside the Russian embassy in Kiev, blocking the exits with car tires, throwing rocks and smoke grenades into the premise and tearing the Russian flag off the building, local media reported.

Calling the demonstrators "fascist hooligans," Russia swiftly attributed the attack to "the irresponsible connivance of Ukrainian authorities."

(Editor:Wu Yanping、Huang Jin)

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