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China urges state-owned enterprises to participate in charity

(Xinhua)    09:32, May 30, 2015

BEIJING, May 29 -- The Chinese government is encouraging state-owned enterprises administered by central government organs to participate in charity work, urging them to consider the poor and the disabled when making business decisions.

"Central enterprises are encouraged to directly set up charity organizations, donate their corporate funds, partner with existing charity groups and mobilize employees for voluntary services," said a new document jointly released on Friday by the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC).

Enterprises were also told to take effective measures to relieve poverty, support publicity for charity activities and consider the needy, especially the disabled and those living in poverty, when making business decisions.

"Efforts will be made to support and guide central enterprises to explore new ways and channels to carry out charity work," it said, citing charitable trusts jointly set up by enterprises, charity groups and financial institutions.

The civil affairs ministry promised to offer more support for companies seeking to establish charities, revealing that the ministry and SASAC will map out more detailed guidelines on the charity activities of central enterprises.

In addition, local civil affairs departments were urged to intensify management and annual checks on enterprise-owned charity groups, with an emphasis on financial status, information transparency and management of major charity events.

Illegal conduct will be punished in accordance with the law, the document stressed.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Sun Zhao,Bianji)

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