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China's aircraft manufacturing to take off in 2015

(Xinhua)    08:36, March 11, 2015
China's largest homegrown airfreighter Xi'an Y-20 (Kunpeng) (Photo/China.com)

BEIJING, March 10 -- China expects breakthroughs in aircraft manufacturing this year as the development of several types of large planes will likely bear fruit after years of effort, sources close to the matter said on Tuesday.

"China's largest homegrown airfreighter Xi'an Y-20 (Kunpeng) will become available for delivery in the near term," Tang Changhong, deputy chief engineer of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) said on Tuesday.

The aircraft has been shown to rival international counterparts with cutting-edge technology after testing in highly challenging and extreme conditions, Tang said.

Manufactured by Xi'an Aircraft Industry (Group) Company, a subsidiary of AVIC, it made a smooth maiden flight in 2013 after seven years of development.

Tang said the project has high added value and an enormous industrial chain that will help the country's high-tech industry.

China's first large passenger aircraft, the C919, and a new large amphibious aircraft, the AG600, will also come online in 2015. The latter will make its maiden flight in 2016.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Du Mingming,Yao Chun)

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