Tue,Dec 2,2014

Editor's Pick

Chinese home buyers boost Australian property market

(CRI Online)    15:59, December 02, 2014
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Chinese Home Buyers Boost Australian Property Market

A new report from Credit Suisse has revealed nearly 13-percent of all the homes bought in Australia last year were purchased by Chinese nationals in deals worth around 5-billion US dollars.

Word of the rush on Chinese home purchases in Australia comes on the heels of a new free trade agreement worked out between the two countries last month.

Australia has become a prime destination for Chinese investment abroad.

In August, Wanda Group invested around 7.5-billion US dollars in a resort in Gold Coast, Queensland.

The rush by Chinese investors toward Australia has created somewhat of a backlash, with calls being made for restrictions on home purchases by foreign investors amid a rise in housing prices in the country.

An Australian parliamentary committee is currently reviewing a dozen different suggestions about how to deal with the issue.

For more on this, we are now joined live by Gao Shang, analyst with Guantong Futures.

(Editor:Yuan Can、Yao Chun)
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