Sat,Nov 22,2014

Editor's Pick

China sees robust PV exports to Japan

(Xinhua)    15:00, November 22, 2014
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SHIJIAZHUANG, Nov. 22- North China's Hebei Province saw robust growth of photovoltaic products to Japan in the first ten months, local customs authorities have said.

During this period, Hebei's PV exports to Japan hit 2.7 billion yuan (440 million U.S. dollars), up 180 percent, while exports to the European Union and the United States dropped 38.6 percent and 9 percent respectively, due to anti-dumping policies.

In October, the province's PV exports hit 690 million yuan, up 79percent year-on-year.

In the first half of this year, China's PV exports grew 14 percent to reach 7.4 billion U.S. dollars, according to Sun Guangbin, an official with the China Chamber of Commerce for import and export of machinery and electronic products.

During this period, China's PV exports to Japan hit 2.4 billion dollars, making Japan the biggest importer of China's solar panel products.

(Editor:Ma Xiaochun、Bianji)
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