Mon,Oct 27,2014

Editor's Pick

China to set up anti-terror intelligence gathering center

(Xinhua)    16:23, October 27, 2014
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BEIJING, Oct. 27-- China will set up an anti-terrorism intelligence gathering center to coordinate and streamline intelligence gathering in the field, according to a draft law submitted for reading on Monday.

The counter-terrorism law aimed to improve intelligence gathering and the sharing of information across government bodies and among military, armed police and militia, and enhance international cooperation, said Lang Sheng, deputy head of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, the top legislature.

Explaining the draft to lawmakers, Lang said China is facing a serious and complex situation against terrorism, with more influence from "international factors."

It is necessary to improve the legal network on counter-terrorism so as to solve legal questions and difficulties during the fight against terror, Lang said.

The counter-terrorism law is of great significance in dealing with severe terrorist situations, improving work mechanism and prevention measures, and enhancing capabilities in fight against terror in order to safeguard state and public security as well as people's life and property, he said.

The draft also stipulates measures on Internet security management, the examination of transport, dangerous materials, terrorism financing prevention and border controls.

"Due to a lack of systematic laws in the field, the country's antiterrorism work is incomplete, with measures not forceful," Lang said, adding counter-terrorism provisions are scattered in various NPC Standing Committee decisions, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Emergency Response Law.

A year-long campaign against terrorism, focusing on the western Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region as the major battleground, began after an attack on a market in the regional capital Urumqi on May 22. The attack killed 39 people and injured 94 others.

An attack near Tian'anmen Square last year shocked the country and the world. On Oct. 28, 2013, Hasan, Gheni and Reyim drove a sports utility vehicle into crowds near the square, killing three people and injuring 39 others. The suspects died on the spot.

Beijing police are engaged in eight weeks of inspections and precautionary work to guarantee security for the upcoming APEC meeting. Measures include management of hazardous articles, anti-terror training and publicity.

In July, the National Anti-Terrorism Leading Group Office released a counter-terrorism handbook, which urged citizens to be vigilant of strange sounds, smells and litter, for these may be the signs of terrorism.

(Editor:Ma Xiaochun、Bianji)
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