Tue,Jun 3,2014

Editor's Pick

Purchasing and Procurement Center of International Organizations Unveiled in Yiwu City

(People's Daily Online)    13:43, June 03, 2014
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On May 27, 2014, the unveiling ceremony of Purchasing and Procurement Center of International Organizations in Yiwu was held in Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province. It is another important purchasing and procurement center in Yiwu after the previous ones set up by the UN Refugee Agency, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Supply Agency, China Mobile, China Telecommunications, and China United Telecommunications Co. Ltd.

This center will be responsible for the purchasing and procurement tasks of four important international organizations, including UN Alliance of Civilizations, UN Youth Empowerment and Urban Safety Committee, World Parities Climate and Ecological Alliance, and International Ecological Safety Collaborative Organization.

This center will be responsible for the purchasing and procurement of international conferences, disaster assistance, international poverty alleviation, educational training, and office stationary for international organizations in accordance with relevant arrangements. In the meantime, it will also conduct ecological evaluation and certification for the purchased products according to the authorization of IESCO and related regulations regarding ecological safety products of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of PRC.

The establishment of the center will further expand the ecological market and product market of Yiwu. It enables millions of sellers, distributors, and customers to know more about the concept of ecological safety, and actively guide the merchants to produce ecological products to respond to the appeal of “joint construction of ecological civilization”. In addition, this center will also help to promote the works of UN Youth Skills Training and Ecological Skills Training.

Dr. Jiang Mingjun, President of the Ecological Civilization Committee of UN Alliance of Civilizations, Executive Chairman of UN Youth Empowerment and Urban Safety Committee, President of World Parties Climate and Ecological Alliance, and Director-General of IESCO explained to us why they chose Yiwu. “Yiwu is considered as the ‘largest market for small commodities in the world’ by the UN, the World Bank, Morgan Stanley, and other authoritative organizations, so I believe it has the capacity to contribute to disaster assistance and international poverty alleviation.”

Dr. Jiang Mingjun also said, as the leader of IESCO, he will continue to support the goal of developing Yiwu into an internationally well-known trade city, and building it into “a sustainable city with tremendous comprehensive strength, improved urban functions, stable and harmonious society, effective administrative system, profound cultural deposits, beautiful natural environment, satisfying living standards, and highly global reputation”. 

(Editor:Yao Chun、Huang Jin)

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