Tue,Mar 25,2014
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

Xi says China's stance on Ukraine issue 'just and objective'

(Xinhua)    08:14, March 25, 2014
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THE HAGUE, March 24 -- Chinese President Xi Jinping said Monday here that China has always held a "just and objective attitude" towards the Ukraine crisis.

The Chinese president made the remarks during a meeting with his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit slated for Monday and Tuesday.

Xi reiterated China's stance on the Ukraine issue, saying that "the promotion of a political solution to the crisis serves the interests of all parties."

China has made its own proposal on solving the issue, which called for promptly setting up an international coordination mechanism and urged all related parties not to take any action that might lead to a further deterioration of the situation, Xi said.

"China supports the constructive efforts made by the international community to ease tension, and holds an open attitude toward all plans that are helpful to promote a political solution," he said.

Obama expounded on Washington's views on the Ukraine issue, saying that his country agreed with China's stance and principles, attached importance to China's role, and was willing to maintain communication and cooperation with China.

Xi arrived in the Netherlands Saturday for a state visit and the third Nuclear Security Summit. He will also visit France, Germany and Belgium in the coming days.

(Editor:SunZhao、Yao Chun)

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