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China welcomes Israel's release of Palestinian prisoners

(Xinhua)    09:39, January 01, 2014
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BEIJING, Dec. 31 -- China has expressed approval of Israel's release of Palestinian prisoners, urging Israel to stop settlements and work with Palestine to establish a proper atmosphere for peace talks.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying made the remarks at a regular press briefing when asked to comment on Israel's Tuesday release of 26 Palestinian prisoners and its new plan to construct houses in the West Bank settlement.

Following those comments, Hua recalled Foreign Minister Wang Yi's latest visit to Palestine and Israel.

"Minister Wang's visit was aimed at pushing forward peace talks in accordance with President Xi Jinping's four-point proposal, which was raised in May, for settling the Palestine issue," Hua said.

Wang urged both sides, especially Israel, to have a sense of urgency, grasp the hard-won opportunities and adopt constructive measures for an early and substantial progress in peace talks, Hua said.

The Foreign Minister emphasized to both sides that the mutual recognition of each's right to exist is the premise of peace talks, mutual care of each's concern is essential, and to think from the other's standing point is a positive way to push forward peace talks, Hua said.

The two sides vowed to insist on peaceful choice and appreciated the international community's efforts for promoting talks, including those from China, she noted.

China has always been firmly advocating peace, actively pushing for peace talks, and sincerely promoting pacification of the Palestine-Israel issue, Hua said.

In 2013, China simultaneously hosted Palestinian and Israeli leaders in Beijing, raised the four-point proposal for settling the Palestine issue, held a United Nations' conference on supporting Palestine-Israel peace talks, and supported Palestine's capability building.

"As a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and a common friend of the regional countries, China will, in its own way, continue its positive and constructive role on the Palestine-Israel issue, and strive for an early, comprehensive and fair solution," Hua said.

(Editor:intern1、Huang Jin)

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