Wed,Dec 11,2013
English>>Foreign Affairs

Editor's Pick

UN women's rights group to visit China

(Xinhua)    18:17, December 11, 2013
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BEIJING, Dec. 11 -- A United Nations working group on women's rights will visit China from Dec. 12 to 19, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Wednesday.

Spokesman Hong Lei said that the working group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice under the United Nations Human Rights Council will visit Shanghai and Yunnan Province.

It will exchange views on promoting gender equality and protecting women's rights with government officials in charge of Chinese diplomatic work, women's rights, law enforcement, healthcare, education and social security as well as experts and academics in these fields, Hong said at the ministry's regular press briefing.

According to the spokesman, China has always placed great importance on cooperation with UN human rights mechanisms and it hopes this visit will promote communication and understanding between the two sides.


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