Mon,Nov 18,2013
English>>Foreign Affairs

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Chinese premier to visit Romania, Uzbekistan

(Xinhua)    18:47, November 18, 2013
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BEIJING, Nov. 18 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will visit Romania and Uzbekistan from Nov. 25 to 29, a Foreign Ministry spokesman announced on Monday.

Li will pay an official visit to Romania and attend a China-Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) leaders' meeting as a guest of Romanian Prime Minister Victor-Viorel Ponta, Qin Guang told a regular media briefing.

At the invitation of Uzbek Prime Minister Shavkat Mirziyaev, Li will also attend the 12th prime ministers' meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states in Uzbekistan, said Qin.

During the China-CEE leaders' meeting, Li will expound China's measures for promoting cooperation with CEE countries and exchange views with leaders from 16 such nations on upgrading cooperation, according to the spokesman.

The premier will also meet leaders from CEE nations on the sidelines of the meeting, he said.

While in Romania, Li will meet or hold talks with Romanian leaders and jointly plan future cooperation, so as to promote a healthy and stable development of bilateral ties.

During the SCO prime ministers' meeting, Li will detail China's propositions for deepening cooperation within the SCO framework and exchange views with leaders of SCO member states on building the organization as well as on promoting peace, stability and development in the region, said Qin.

Li will also meet leaders of some SCO member states on the sidelines of the prime ministers' meeting, he added.


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