Wed,Sep 25,2013

Editor's Pick

Afghanistan wants to further promote partnership with China: official

(Xinhua)    09:52, September 25, 2013
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KABUL, Sept. 24 -- The chief Afghan presidential spokesman on Tuesday said that Afghanistan wants to further advance its ties with China.

"Our relationship with friend and neighbor country of the People's Republic of China is in the framework of the Strategic Partnership between the two countries, and Afghanistan wants to further enhance ties with China," Eimal Faizi told local media.

He made the comments as Afghan President Hamid Karzai is to leave for a four-day state visit to China from Sept. 25-28, according to the report.

The Afghan leader's visit is at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, the spokesman said. The two counties' leaders will discuss a range of issues including training and equipping of Afghan security forces, Chinese investment in Afghanistan, acceleration of work in Aynak copper mine near the Afghan capital Kabul, besides focusing on ways to enhance bilateral relations in various areas, the official said.

Faizi also lauded the current momentum in the development of bilateral relations between two neighboring nations.

During the visit, Karzai will also attend the opening ceremony of the Euro-Asia Economic Forum (EAEF) 2013.

(Editor:ZhangQian、Liang Jun)
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