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Xi calls for more exchanges between Chinese, Mexican legislatures


08:17, June 06, 2013

MEXICO CITY, June 5 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday called on the legislative bodies of China and Mexico to enhance exchanges to consolidate China-Mexico friendship.

The development of China-Mexico relations requires the support from and participation of the two legislatures, Xi said when meeting with Ricardo Anaya Cortes, Chairman of the Permanent Committee of Mexico's Congress of the Union, Francisco Arroyo Vieyra, President of the Chamber of Deputies and other leaders of the special committees of the Mexican Congress.

"I hope China's National People's Congress and Mexico's Congress of the Union could keep close contact and share legislative experience, and play positive roles in promoting mutual understanding between the two peoples and improving China-Mexico friendly cooperation," Xi said.

The Chinese president arrived in Mexico City on Tuesday for a three-day state visit aimed at lifting China-Mexico ties. He held talks with his Mexican counterpart Enrique Pena Nieto on bilateral cooperation Tuesday afternoon.

During the talks, Xi and Pena Nieto announced to upgrade the bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Xi told the congressmen that China and Mexico offer important development opportunities for each other. The announcement of uplifting bilateral ties signals the willingness of the two countries to jointly cope with challenges to bring more benefits to the two peoples.

During the meeting, the Mexican congressmen said Mexico and China have different national conditions, but they can still be mutually beneficial and cooperative partners.

They expressed their belief that Xi's visit will help push forward economic, trade and cultural cooperation, deepen the two countries' cooperation in international affairs and help promote the comprehensive development of bilateral ties.

Mexico's Congress of the Union is ready to improve exchanges with the National People's Congress of China to make greater contributions to Mexico-China cooperation, they said.

The Permanent Committee of Mexico's Congress of the Union assumes legislative duties when the Congress is in recess.

Before his meeting with the congressmen, Xi laid a wreath at the Altar of the Fatherland in Mexico City.

Mexico is the last leg of Xi's ongoing three-nation Latin American tour, which has already taken him to Trinidad and Tobago and Costa Rica.

From Mexico, Xi will fly to the U.S. state of California to hold a summit meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama.

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