Tue,May 13,2014
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Two students stabbed in SW China

(Xinhua)    08:46, May 13, 2014
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KUNMING, May 12 -- A man is being held by police after stabbing two students in their dormitory in southwest China's Yunnan Province on Monday, police and university sources said.

The man surnamed Zhu, a native of Xuanwei City, allegedly stabbed his girlfriend surnamed Xiong and her roommate, Jian, because of a relationship dispute at 1 p.m. at a dormitory of Dianchi College, Yunnan University, said a police officer with the Kunming City Public Security Bureau.

Xiong's injury is not life threatening, and as of 6 p.m., Jian was still receiving treatment at an intensive care unit, said her aunt. Jian said on Sunday Zhu had sent a text message claiming he would take revenge at the college, according to her aunt.

Zhu, who is not a student of the university, climbed into the second floor dormitory through first floor window guard rails, said Li Qihua, an official with the Dianchi College.

A manager with the college's student affairs office said Zhu came to the college and broke a window in April. The college moved Xiong to a different dormitory because of this.

A further investigation is under way.

(Editor:DuMingming、Huang Jin)

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