Tue,Dec 31,2013
English>>China Society

Editor's Pick

Sex scandal brings down health chief

(Xinhua)    07:22, December 31, 2013
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SHENYANG, Dec. 30 -- A sex scandal in a northeastern Chinese city has forced the resignation of a health bureau chief, the local discipline authority said Monday.

The discipline inspection commission of Shenyang, capital of Liaoning Province, confirmed that health bureau chief Yan Shi and Li Chenyang, head of a local women's and children's hospital, were under investigation after an online post accused Li of corruption and trading sex for benefits.

The post cited two surveillance video clips that allegedly showed the two checking in the same hotel room on Nov. 27 and Dec. 11, where they stayed for hours.

The commission said Li had been suspended from her post, and inspectors were looking into the claims.

(Editor:intern1、Yan Meng)

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