Sun,Jan 26,2014

Editor's Pick

China Navy patrols Nansha islands

(Xinhua)    09:02, January 26, 2014
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ONBOARD CHANGBAISHAN VESSEL, Jan. 25 -- A formation of the Nanhai Fleet of China's Navy on Saturday finished a three-day patrol of the Nansha islands in the South China Sea, and is now heading southward.

Jiang Weilie, commander of the high seas training formation and commander of the Nanhai Fleet, landed on every reef guarded by China's navy staff, inspecting the training and combat readiness conditions of naval forces.

In the meantime, the Haikou destroyer conducted maneuver against submarines under fictitious air threat, and commanded forces guarding reefs to conduct attack-and-defence drill.

Nansha islands is the biggest among the archipelagos in the South China Sea, with over 500 islands, shoals and reefs. Hao Yong, leader of the Chigua Reef, said the staff's capabilities in managing information-based equipment keep improving, and they can have fruits and vegetables at every dinner due to more frequent supplies.

All reefs are now covered with TV, mobile and 3G signals, and naval soldiers and officers can enjoy intranet and airconditioners, added Hao.

(Editor:YanMeng、Huang Jin)

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