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Fan Changlong holds talks with Kazakhstan defense minister

(China Military Online)

09:14, July 22, 2013

ASTANA, July 19 (ChinaMil) -- Fan Changlong, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the People's Republic of China who was paying an official visit to Kazakhstan, held talks with Dzhaksybekov Adilbek Ryskeldinovich, minister of defense of Kazakhstan, on July 18, 2013 in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan.

Fan Changlong said that China and Kazakhstan are friendly neighbors and comprehensive strategic partners. The bilateral relations have been developing smoothly since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries 21 years ago, as evidenced by good cooperation in various fields. The relations between the Chinese and Kazakhstan militaries have been maintaining a good momentum of development, as evidenced by great potential and broad prospects for bilateral cooperation. The Chinese side is willing to make joint efforts with the Kazakhstan side to further strengthen high-level contacts between the two militaries, expand cooperation in personnel training and exchanges in professional fields, and deepen security cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), so as to push forward the relations between the two militaries to a new high.

Dzhaksybekov said that the Kazakhstan side regards China as a reliable good neighbor and good partner, attaches great importance to developing Kazakhstan-China comprehensive strategic partnership, and is willing to further deepen pragmatic cooperation between the two militaries, so as to constantly uplift the relations between the two militaries to a new high.

Before the talks, Dzhaksybekov held a welcome ceremony for Fan Changlong and accompanied him to review the guard of honor of the three services of the Kazakhstan Armed Forces.

Fan Changlong, vice chairman of the CMC, and his party left Beijing on July 18 to pay an official visit to Kazakhstan, Myanmar and Thailand at the invitation of Dzhaksybekov, Kazakhstan defense minister, Min Aung Hlaing, commander-in-chief of the Myanmar Defense Forces, and Yingluck Shinawatra, prime minister and minister of defense of Thailand.

Fan Changlong's principal entourage, including Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), Liu Yuejun, commander of the Lanzhou Military Area Command (MAC) of the PLA, Du Jingchen, chief of staff of the PLA Navy, Zhang Jianping, deputy commander of the PLA Air Force, and Zhou Xiaozhou, chief of staff of the Chengdu MAC of the PLA, left Beijing together with Fan Changlong.

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