Tue,Apr 22,2014
English>>China Politics

Editor's Pick

No ending for CPC anti-corruption war

(Xinhua)    16:54, April 22, 2014
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BEIJING, April 22 -- The Communist Party of China (CPC)'s fight against officials' undesirable work styles will not end, a disciplinary official said on Tuesday.

Formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance are very likely to occur during the upcoming May Day holiday in more obscure forms, including covert use of public money in gift-giving, wining and dining, travelling as well as other extravagant consumptions, said Li Yufu, deputy secretary of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in an interview with Xinhua.

Such misconduct frequently occurred during holidays and festivals in previous years, but an anti-corruption campaign launched at the end of 2012 aimed to root out corruption.

Punishment and supervision have been strengthened, bringing many officials under investigation.

More than 42,000 people had been punished nationwide for violating rules of reducing pomp, ceremony, bureaucratic visits and meetings by the end of March, Li said.

He warned the Party must guard against the resurgence of corruption in subtle forms.

Using public money for feasts has shifted from restaurants to less noticeable places. Officials no longer hold wedding and funeral ceremonies, but they still accept money. Digital gift cards are also making bribery easier to circumvent anti-graft watchdogs, Li said.

But he said the Party is determined to clean up corruption with zero tolerance.

"Efforts to improve work styles are always ongoing," he said.

Disciplinary departments of all levels would enhance supervision and improve systems and regulations to unite all forces against corruption.

Li welcomed supervision by Internet users and the media to facilitate the campaign.

(Editor:KongDefang、Huang Jin)

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