Tue,Apr 15,2014
English>>China Politics

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Nat'l security matter of prime importance: President Xi

(Xinhua)    19:49, April 15, 2014
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BEIJING, April 15 -- President Xi Jinping stressed on Tuesday that ensuring national security is "a matter of prime importance" as China presses ahead with its modernization drive.

When chairing the first meeting of national security commission, Xi told participants to adhere to an overall national security outlook and explore a "national security path with Chinese characteristics."

Xi, who heads the commission, said China now faces the most complicated internal and external factors in history.

To implement the overall national security outlook, China must attach importance to both external and internal security. Domestically, China will pursue development, reform, stability and foster a safe environment, Xi said. Externally, the country will seek peace, cooperation, a win-win situation and a harmonious world, he said.

China must value both homeland security and the safety of its people. The country will rally support from its people in ensuring national security, according to the president.

Xi said China will build a national security system that covers the spheres of politics, territory, military, economy, culture, society, science and technology, information, ecology, nuclear, and natural resources.

China must pay attention to both development and security, because only a prosperous country can have a strong military, which in turn can protect the country, he noted.

China will not only pay attention to its own security, but also to common security. China will seek to form a community of common destiny and promote all parties involved to seek mutual benefit, interests and common security, he added.

Premier Li Keqiang and top legislator Zhang Dejiang, who are the commission's deputy heads, also attended the meeting.

(Editor:HuangJin、Yao Chun)

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