Tue,Mar 25,2014
English>>China Politics

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HK Chief Executive says policy implementation satisfactory

(Xinhua)    18:50, March 25, 2014
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HONG KONG March 25 -- Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung on Tuesday said the progress in implementing measures set out in his manifesto and Policy Address is satisfactory, and the city government remains open to people's scrutiny.

Speaking to reporters before attending an Executive Council meeting, Leung said the current term city government could not implement all the measures within one or two years. The city government will continue to work on the measures one by one, with the support of the political team and civil servants.

The city government's work includes developing the economy and improving people's livelihood. It has set a 4 percent economic growth target for this year and its work in solving housing and poverty problems are on track, he added.

Leung said that the government will continue to uphold the city' s core values, including freedom, human rights, democracy and rule of law. It will also make Hong Kong people a priority when handling issues between Hong Kong and the mainland.

(Editor:WangXin、Yao Chun)

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