Wed,Dec 11,2013
English>>China Politics

Editor's Pick

China improves law enforcement supervision

(Xinhua)    08:15, December 11, 2013
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BEIJING, Dec. 10 -- China's Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) on Tuesday pledged to resolve imprudent law enforcement via stricter supervision of the entire law enforcement and case handling procedure.

Procurators-general and deputy procurators-general at various levels will direct investigation and interrogation, and support public prosecutions when handling major or important cases, according to a SPP's five-year plan on grassroots procuratorate building.

Leaders of local procuratorates are encouraged to learn more skills to enrich their knowledge. At least two thirds of them should have a law background and hold a bachelor's degree by 2018.

The statement also asked local procuratorates to detail procedures and clarify standards to eradicate imprudent law enforcement.

According to the plan, local procuratorates will carry out standardized supervision and perfect the judical guarantee system for human rights.

(Editor:YaoChun、Liang Jun)

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