Wed,Nov 13,2013
English>>China Politics

Editor's Pick

Mainland chief negotiator to lead business delegation to Taiwan

(Xinhua)    13:51, November 13, 2013
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BEIJING, Nov. 13 -- A Chinese mainland business delegation led by Chen Deming, president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, will visit Taiwan in late November, a mainland spokeswoman announced on Wednesday.

The delegation will aim to get a better understanding of the island's economic development and promote economic cooperation across the Taiwan Strait, said Fan Liqing, of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, at a press conference.

During his stay on the island, Chen will visit the free economic pilot zones, representative factories, enterprises, sci-tech and agricultural parks, and companies with mainland investment, Fan said.

In addition, Bater, chairman of north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, will also head a delegation to visit Taiwan between Nov. 25 and 30, according to the spokeswoman.

That delegation will explore opportunities of cooperation with Taiwan in tourism and financial services, visit the science park in Taizhong, and stage art performances in Taipei, Taizhong and Nantou.

(Editor:ZhangQian、Yao Chun)

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