Tue,Aug 13,2013
English>>China Politics

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China to punish extravagance in official galas

(Xinhua)    19:46, August 13, 2013
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BEIJING, Aug. 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese authorities will curb extravagance in the organization of official galas and punish those who violate the regulation, a notice said Tuesday.

All areas and departments should bring luxurious and extravagant galas to a halt and encourage frugal event planning, according to a notice jointly issued by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Culture, the National Audit Office, and the State General Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television.

No government funds should be used to hold commercial galas or invite high-cost entertainers. Funds from state-owned enterprises should not be used to give a boost to stars, the notice said.

Galas, especially those organized with public funds, that are held just to show off grand scenery, staging or extravagant production elements, have damaged the image of the CPC and the government, triggering public complaint, according to the notice.

The notice urged strengthened supervision and inspection of galas, budget control and strict auditing.

Those that cost large amounts of money and create waste will be severely punished, the notice said.


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