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Lin Dan eyes Olympic hat-trick


09:28, November 14, 2012

China's Lin Dan gives a salute after winning his men's singles badminton gold medal match against Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei at the London 2012 Olympic Games at the Wembley Arena August 5, 2012. (

SHANGHAI, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese badminton superstar Lin Dan has denied any plans to retire next year and said he would consider going for a third Olympic title in 2016.

Lin, dubbed "Super Dan" among his fans, has decided to skip all international events on the 2012 calendar after he became the first man to clinch back-to-back Olympic gold medals in August in London.

But the 28-year-old southpaw, who was here for his autobiography signing on the sidelines of the China Open, said he merely needed a rest after the Olympics.

"I never thought about hanging up my racket after next year's world championships," Lin told reporters on Tuesday.

"I need some time to think about the next four years. I will consult my family, friends and coaches so that I can get fully ready for all the possible challenges once I return to the court next year."

Lin's arch rival Lee Chong Wei has also not ruled out competing at Rio de Janeiro in 2016.

Over the past four years, the duo's rivalry remained the focal point of the world badminton.

Following his Beijing Olympics final victory over Lee, Lin also beat the Malaysian in the 2010 Asian Games and the 2011 World Championships. Lee's major win over Lin came at the 2011 All England Championship final.





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