Thu,Sep 5,2013

Editor's Pick

China, ASEAN discuss industrial cooperation plan

(Xinhua)    08:26, September 05, 2013
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NANNING, Sept. 4 -- China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) discussed the making of a road map for industrial cooperation at an ongoing expo in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Wednesday.

At the China-ASEAN Expo's Roundtable Meeting on Investment Cooperation in Nanning, capital of Guangxi, Chinese and ASEAN officials working in investment exchanged ideas on deepening cooperation in various fields.

The meeting has reached agreement on priority areas of industrial cooperation for next year.

Corazon H. Dichosa, an officer of the Board of Investments of the Philippines, said at the meeting that China and ASEAN member nations complement each other in many industrial areas, and that both sides should help each other "like brothers."

Gao Ge, professor with the Institute of China-ASEAN Research of Guangxi University, said that the road map will greatly boost mutual investments, and that it will bring more benefits for both sides.

The roundtable meeting was part of the 10th China-ASEAN Expo, which opened in Guangxi on Tuesday.

(Editor:YaoChun、Liang Jun)

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