Mon,Aug 5,2013

Editor's Pick

China to train lawyers in foreign-related business

(Xinhua)    20:30, August 05, 2013
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China will train 300 lawyers to proficiency in foreign-related business within the next four years, under a program launched by the All China Lawyers Association (ACLA) on Monday.

Initiated by the Ministry of Justice and the ACLA, the scheme has gained the government's financial support and will focus on training 120 lawyers in three areas -- foreign investment, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and international financial and securities businesses -- so they can help more Chinese companies go abroad.

It will also train 150 lawyers in international trade, copyright protection and businesses concerning the World Trade Organization, as well as 30 lawyers in businesses concerning resources, maritime and space rights.

The program will organize training sessions, field studies and high-end forums in and outside China. The ACLA will also introduce trainees to work in international organizations and multinational cooperation projects so as to improve their capabilities.

Zhao Dacheng, vice minister of justice, said at the launching ceremony that the program is necessary and urgent to improve Chinese lawyers' skills in foreign-related businesses, as at present they cannot meet the needs of the country.

(Editor:LiXiang、Chen Lidan)

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