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Chinese shares close higher on upbeat bluechips


17:36, May 20, 2013

BEIJING, May 20 (Xinhua) -- Chinese shares closed higher Monday for the third consecutive day as bluechips continued the upbeat momentum.

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index gained 0.75 percent, or 17.12points, to end at 2,299.99. The Shenzhen Component Index rose 0.66 percent, or 60.88 points, to 9,307.15.

Combined turnover on the two bourses grew to 278.23 billion yuan (44.88 billion U.S. dollars) from 226.69 billion yuan the previous trading day.

The electronic information sector led Monday's rises, with the sub-index for the sector gaining 3.96 percent. NARI Technology Development Limited Company surged 6.09 percent to 23.51 yuan.

China's petroleum sector gained 2.77 percent on Monday. China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation increased 1.92 percent to 6.91 yuan per share.

Environment protection sectors also rose 2.93 percent on Monday. Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited jumped 2.13 percent to 59.99 yuan per share. Nanjing CEC Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. rose 2.86 percent to 15.45 yuan per share.

The ChiNext Index, tracking China's Nasdaq-style board of growth enterprises, surged 2.76 percent, or 28.25 points, to close at 1,051.65 points on Monday.

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