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Vanke to transfer non-RMB share trading to HK

By Hu Yuanyuan (China Daily)

08:36, January 22, 2013

China Vanke Co Ltd, the country's largest property developer by revenue, aims to strengthen its globalization strategy after announcing a plan to move trading of its non-renminbi shares to Hong Kong, the company's top management said on Monday.

The property developer said late on Friday that its non-renminbi B shares will move, making it the second firm to leave the mainland's B-share market in Shenzhen.

"After 30 years of development, our going-global strategy has been on the agenda. And access to an open international capital market is highly necessary for such a strategy," said Tan Huajie, Vanke board secretary.

The company last year set up a special team to research business development in the US, "and I believe it could make some progress this year", Tan said.

But the focus of the company's business in the coming decade will remain in the mainland, said Vanke President Yu Liang.

"The share conversion could be regarded as the company's second shareholder reshuffle. But it is not involved in any financing arrangement, and we don't have a plan to raise more money," Yu said.

Vanke Vice-President Xiao Li added: "The share conversion is aimed to boost liquidity, allowing a more active participation from overseas investors."

Yu said Vanke's net debt ratio currently stands at 27 percent. "And the ratio will not exceed 40 percent at any time," he added.

Vanke's B shares, which are denominated in Hong Kong dollars, closed up 10 percent on Monday - the maximum intraday gain mainland shares are allowed to post - at HK$13.75 ($1.77) per share. The total value of Vanke's B shares was HK$16.4 billion, when the B shares last changed hands at HK$12.50 per share, their highest since mid-2009.

Its yuan-denominated A shares also opened at the top of the trading limit, at 11.23 yuan ($1.80) per share, up from 10.21 yuan. It closed at 11.13 yuan, up 9.98 percent than the previous trading day.

Trading in Vanke shares has been suspended since Dec 26 pending a company announcement.

According to Yin Zi, real estate analyst with Shenyin & Wanguo Securities Co Ltd, the conversion plan will probably pass as it benefits holders of both A shares and B shares.

The plan will gain approval only when two-thirds of all shareholders and that of B-share holders both vote for it.

"For B-share holders, the liquidity and valuation of H shares are much better," Yin said in a research note. "We expect a successful conversion will boost the valuation of B shares by 50 percent, and that of A shares are also likely to increase by 24 percent to 34 percent."

Vanke's sales last year reached 141.2 billion yuan amid a property-market recovery, up 16.2 percent year-on-year.

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