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Central bank issues commemorative coins for SPD's 20th anniversary


08:37, January 07, 2013

BEIJING, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) -- China's central bank announced on Sunday that it will issue two commemorative coins for the 20th anniversary of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank (SPD), a mid-sized lender.

The set, which will be issued on Tuesday, will include one gold and one silver coin, according to a statement on the website of the People's Bank of China (PBOC).

The gold and silver coins will feature the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, or Qiniandian, a triple-gabled circular building in the Temple of Heaven, or Tiantan, an ancient religious site where ceremonies were held to pray for good harvests.

The backs of both coins will feature pandas drinking water along a river near a bamboo forest.

The gold coin, measuring 22 millimeters in diameter, contains a quarter of an ounce of gold and has a face value of 100 yuan (16.05 U.S. dollars). The maximum circulation is set at 30,000.

The silver coin, measuring 40 millimeters in diameter, contains one ounce of pure silver and has a face value of 10 yuan. The maximum circulation is set at 80,000.

SPD's profits reached 34.16 billion yuan in 2012, up 25.2 percent year on year, but down from the 42.02-percent growth rate of 2011, according to a statement it filed to the Shanghai Stock Exchange late Friday.

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