Thu,Dec 26,2013

Editor's Pick

Egypt declares Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group after blast

(Xinhua)    07:42, December 26, 2013
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CAIRO, Dec. 25 -- The Egyptian government on Wednesday blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for the bombing of the police headquarter in Mansoura city and officially declared the Muslim Brotherhood a "terrorist group," from which the ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi hails.

"All Egyptians were horrified by the heinous crime committed by Muslim Brotherhood on Tuesday when it blew up the Daqahleya Governorate police headquarter that killed at least 16 persons and injured more than 130 others," a government statement said on Wednesday.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Higher Education, Hossam Eissa, declared that the Brotherhood organization inside and outside Egypt a terrorist organization. He accused them of seeking to disturb Egypt's transition to democracy.

Eissa said that terrorism law will be enforced on everyone who participates, finances or propagates the activities of the group.

Eissa added that the government has tasked the police and army forces to protect public facilities and universities against the terrorist acts of the group.

Mansoura bombing is still under investigation. However, it was claimed by Sinai-based Jihadist group Ansar Beit al-Maqdis. Brotherhood condemned the bomb attack on Tuesday.

Since the ouster of Morsi, Brotherhood supporters have staged many protests that in many cases turned into violent, while students, affiliated to the group, tried to disturb studying in different Egyptian universities.

(Editor:intern1、Yao Chun)

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