Mon,Oct 21,2013

Editor's Pick

India assesses situation of alleged Pakistan violations of cease-fire in Kashmir

(Xinhua)    08:22, October 21, 2013
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NEW DELHI, Oct. 20 -- India said Sunday that there is a "sharp increase in ceasefire violations" by Pakistan in Kashmir and New Delhi is assessing the situation although still giving priority to peaceful solutions to the disputes along the Line-of- Control there.

Indo-Asian News Service quoted unnanmed senior official sources, who are accompanying Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on visit to Russia, as saying India leaves it for the time being to the two directors general of military operations (DGMO) who have been tasked to restore peace between India and Pakistan.

"The DGMOs are in touch and they have spoken to each other.. It is for them to find a way, they have been tasked to do this," an informed source was quoted as saying.

During a meeting in New York between Prime Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif last month, both sides agreed to have their DGMOs meet regularly in order to maintain peace on the Line of Control.

India said the year has seen several violations of the 2003 cease-fire, including the beheading of an Indian soldier and the killing of five soldiers.

Meanwhile, Indian Minister of External Affairs Salman Khurshid on Sunday rejected proposal by Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to invite the United States to mediate the Kashmir issue.

He said it is a wastage of time to talk about the status of Kashmir and India opposes any third party involvement in it.

(Editor:LiangJun、Yao Chun)

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