Sat,Oct 5,2013

Editor's Pick

IMF mission to visit Ukraine for economy, public finances assessment

(Xinhua)    15:05, October 05, 2013
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A mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will visit Ukraine from Oct. 17 to 29 to assess the country's economy and public finances, the IMF regional office in Kiev announced on Friday.

The mission, headed by Nikolay Gueorguiev, will assess the macroeconomic situation in the country and also discuss with Ukrainian authorities a wide range of economic policy issues, the office said.

The talks would focus on the flexibility of currency exchange rate and a special IMF program monitoring Kiev's large debt owed to foreign lenders, it added.

The upcoming visit is not related to the possible granting of a new stand-by loan to Kiev worth 10 billion IMF special drawing rights or 15.36 billion U.S. dollars, according to the Fund.

Ukraine will hold a fresh round of talks with the IMF over the loan in Washington on Oct. 10-13.

Next year, the country will have to repay 10.8 billion dollars of debt to its foreign lenders, including 1.1 billion dollars to the IMF.


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